
+ 27 82 667 9232


Here in the southern Overberg we are blessed with space. This space allows African Horse Company to have horses roaming on 300 hectares of Farm215, in a natural herd, moving freely while grazing and browsing over the indigenous vegetation.

It is this freedom that allows them to explore and learn what is around them. Following the lead mare, the herd moves as one, finding security in numbers and strong social bonds. There is a very organised hierarchical structure, with each horse knowing its place in the herd. This in turn breeds a trust which is transferred by the horse to its rider, who is then able to experience what it is like to be part of such a collective.

The trails are focused on traveling by horse from one destination to another, over rugged terrain, becoming aware of moving close to nature and sensing what is the most efficient way to cover a distance. In our frenetic modern day world we whizz by things , but journeying by horse and being freed from having to look at the ground, you have a chance to absorb the nature, listen to its sounds and gaze endlessly upon the views.

The type of horse is the key to this natural horse management and journeying. Our South African crossbreeds are well adapted to their environment. Hardy and agile, they move over all terrain and remain outdoors through all seasons, using their natural mechanisms to deal with the changes in weather. Strong and forward going, the horses are a mix of Arab, Boerperd and Friesian blood. Secure in the herd dynamics, the horses are gentle and even tempered, well-equipped to deal with the noises and movements around them as they ride through valley, mountain or beach.

Horses and humans have been partners for thousands of years. It is this relationship that gives respect to the horse, for its capabilities and its willingness to carry us, remembering that its instinctive nature is as a plains animal and not a domesticated one.